Education, Development,

Learning, And Brain

Supporting education and innovation through Collaboration, Community, and Dissemination.


EDLAB (Education, Development, Learning, And Brain) involves a ground-up integrated partnership between Pre-K-12 educators and UCSD researchers in diverse disciplines on the other with the goal of creating an infrastructure that weaves research and educational practice into an integrated tapestry.


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Click images below to read about our latest work!

Vista Unified teachers and UCSD researchers collaborated to study how transforming classroom interactions through language deepens student learning.

Discovery: Some Early Childhood abilities that don’t correlate with traditional academic skills could drive learning more broadly through interactions with other cognitive systems.


EDLAB marries UCSD’s leading research expertise in education, cognitive science, and developmental neuroscience with the deep knowledge of public school educators to co-create a platform for transformative research and practice in schools.



This work has been disseminated at academic and educator research conferences, as well as through work directed to the public, including presentations at the Society for Research in Child Development, a symposium at the Neuroscience and Music conference, three manuscripts that are under review, one published article in ChildArt magazine and a chapter in a published book about understanding the educational impact of adverse child experiences for socioculturally diverse children. Multiple manuscripts are currently under development for a variety of scientific education and neuroscience research outlets and in educator focused journals.



Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students have the necessary support to do their best learning.

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Feel free to contact us with any questions.